Tuesday, March 16, 2010

How dangerous is working with spray paint?

I want to put a clear coat on some jewelry I made, but the warnings on the paint say that it irritates the skin and causes all sorts of bad side effects. Is that only when the paint is wet, or is it dangerous after the paint dries too? Since it is jewelry, it would be touching my skin a lot, not like if I put it on a box or a wall.How dangerous is working with spray paint?
More than likely, its when the clear coat is wet, but what you can do is if you already bought the clear coat, test it out on one piece, and then wear it for a while, and see if it irritates your skin. If it doesn't do anything in a day or two, then you should be fine.

Not sure what kind of clear coating you got, but I use different kinds for my wood working, and I get it on my hands a lot, and I never seen any problems with it. Granted, its not like jewelry though, touching me all the time.

If you are real worried, contact the manufacturer. They should be able to advise you on this type of matter. I am sure the warning is just there to protect themselves from any lawsuits, but they might give you more insight.How dangerous is working with spray paint?
*scratch scratch*... Ooooh the colors! The colors!.... *scratch scratch, itch itch, Mmmmm, Hey! how'd that elephant get in here??

Uh, no, no problem with working with spray paint that I know of... *scratch scratch*..... Oh crap, I just peeled my face off!...
That's when it is wet and if you put on your skin then it would cause skin irritation. But as long as it's dry, you'll live.
very very dangerous!

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